                                            PhD positions in Pisa

The Ph.D. school in Mathematics of the University of Pisa is organizing a meeting with master students who are interested in applying for a Ph.D. position at the University of Pisa. The event will take place in Pisa, starting on January 20th and ending on January 22nd 2025. The program will include talks by professors and researchers from the Department of Mathematics, and informal meetings with current PhD students.
Limited financial support, including partial or full reimbursement for travel and/or accommodation, is available for selected participants.
Registration (and requests for funding) will close on November 15, 2024, at 1 pm (CET).
More details can be found at the page https://events.dm.unipi.it/event/291/



Corso di Lingua Italiana

Livello A2 (50 ore)

Dott.ssa Anna Baldan

Chi può iscriversi e requisiti: Gli studenti internazionali iscritti (studenti, master, specializzazione, perfezionamento e dottorato) alla Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II”.

Costo: Il corso è gratuito.

Calendario: Il corso si svolgerà da ottobre a dicembre 2024 (vedi calendario pubblicato <https://www.cla.unina.it/flex/cm/pages/ServeBLOB.php/L/IT/IDPagina/2482>). Gli incontri si terranno prevalentemente su TEAMS.

Procedura d’iscrizione: dalle ore 09:00 del 26/09/2024 alle 23:45 del 03/10/2024:

•Compilare la domanda al link: MICROSOFT/FORMS <https://forms.office.com/e/NTvsfMWJfT>

N.B.: Non saranno prese in considerazione le iscrizioni inviate per e-mail.

Per accedere alla piattaforma FORMS sono necessarie le credenziali della posta UNINA.

Se ci sono problemi d’accesso rivolgersi al CSI che si trova in centrale (corso Umberto I, 40) a destra dello scalone Minerva, oppure a Monte Sant’Angelo nei centri comuni.

Italian Language Course

Level A2 (50 hours)

Dr. Anna Baldan

Who can enroll and requirements: Foreign students enrolled (students, master's, specialization, postgraduate and doctoral) at the University of Naples "Federico II".

Cost: The course is free of charge.

Schedule: Course will be held from October to December (see timetable <https://www.cla.unina.it/flex/cm/pages/ServeBLOB.php/L/IT/IDPagina/2482>). Meetings will be held mainly on TEAMS.

Registration procedure: from 09:00 am on 26/09/2024 to 23:45 pm on 03/10/2024:
- Fill out the application at the link: MICROSOFT/FORMS <https://forms.office.com/e/NTvsfMWJfT>
Please note: Emailed applications will not be considered.
UNINA mail credentials are required to access the FORMS platform. If there are problems with access, please contact the CSI located at the central office (Corso Umberto I, 40) to the right of the Minerva staircase, or Monte Sant’Angelo (Centri Comuni).


<<Mathematical Engineering Master Program a.y. 24/25: presentation of the second semester>>




Study in Naples 2024-2025

Object: the University of Naples Federico II, in collaboration with the Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo, establishes 26 two-year scholarships, amounting to 11.059,92 Euros each (gross percipient), in order to support the existing International Courses of Study offered by the University.

Who can apply: the call is for international students enrolling for A.Y. 2024-25 in the first year of one of the international courses offered by the University (Table A of the call). All students who have obtained a degree outside the Italian education system, valid for access to Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs, are considered international, regardless of their citizenship.

Award Criteria: the selection board shall prepare a ranking list based on the sum of the marks obtained by the candidates in the evaluation of career, letter of motivation and English and/or Italian language certification (Table B of the call).

deadline September 15th 2024 at midnight

link: https://www.international.unina.it/education/international-students-opportunities/






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The Department of Mathematics has joined the Mathematician Desk for Italian industry (Sportello Matematico per l'Industria Italiana)