Minicourse of Prof. Costantinos Siettos


Prof. Costantinos Siettos, School of Applied Mathematics and Physical Sciences, will hold a course with the title

A Short Introduction to Bifurcation Theory

at the E hall, the third floor of the Department of Mathematics and Applications "Renato Caccioppoli" of the University of Naples Federico II, according to the following calendar:

January 25th (9.30-11.30 a.m. and 3.00-5.00 p.m.)
January 26th (9.30-11.30 a.m.)
1st February (9.30-11.30 a.m.)
2 February (9.30-11.30 a.m. and 3.00-5.00 p.m.)


For additional information and clarifications, please contact Gerardo Toraldo ( and Salvatore Cuomo (





Avviso di minicorso

Il Prof. Costantinos Siettos, School of Applied Mathematics and Physical Sciences, National Technical University of Athens, Greece, terrà, presso l’aula E, terzo piano del Dipartimento di Matematica e Applicazioni “Renato Caccioppoli” dell’Università di Napoli Federico II nei giorni

25 gennaio (ore 9,30-11,30 e 15-17)
26 gennaio (ore 9,30-11,30)
1° febbraio (ore 9,30-11,30)
2  febbraio  (ore 9,30-11,30 e 15-17)

un corso dal titolo

A Short Introduction to Bifurcation Theory

Per chiarimenti e informazioni è possibile rivolgersi a Gerardo Toraldo ( e Salvatore Cuomo (


Conference of Prof. Enrique Zuazua


The seminar activities promoted by the Master's Degree Program in Mathematical Engineering include the presence of a speaker d'exception:
Enrique Zuazua (DTRC-Bilbao & Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) will hold a conference entitled

"Dynamic control: Mathematical challenges and applications"

January 17 at 11.30 in the Scipione Bobbio Hall, headquarters of Engineering of the Polytechnic School and of the Basic Sciences.

The purpose of the conference is to highlight the important role of modern mathematical theory of controls in the field of engineering, presenting both the mathematical and computational aspects of the theory, as well as some relevant applications to the control of fluids and structures.
The seminar is open to all interested parties.


Le attività seminariali promosse dal Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Mathematical Engineering,  prevedono l’intervento di un relatore
Enrique Zuazua (DTRC-Bilbao & Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) terrà una conferenza dal titolo

Dynamic control: Mathematical challenges and applications  “

il 17 gennaio alle 11.30 in Aula Scipione Bobbio, sede di Ingegneria della Scuola Politecnica e delle Scienze di Base.

Scopo della conferenza è quello di  evidenziare l'importante ruolo della moderna teoria matematica dei controlli nell’ambito dell’Ingegneria presentando sia gli aspetti matematici e computazionale della teoria,  che alcune rilevanti applicazioni al controllo dei fluidi e delle strutture.
Il seminario è aperto a tutti gli interessati.



Mathematics have been developed for generations, along several civilizations, to quantify, measure, explain and understand the surrounding world. Our modern society would not be possible without Mathematics. Mathematics and Language constitute, probably, the main distinguishing features of human nature.
During its evolution, Mathematics got involved into, almost, all aspects of our life. The daily uses of Mathematics are numerous, and increasingly relevant. And this is particular the case in the context of modern Control Engineering.
In this lecture, avoiding unnecessary technicalities, we shall present some aspects of the Mathematics  of Control, describing some of the basic mathematical and computational tools, and also some relevant applications to the control of fluids and structures.



Deadline extended for submitting applications for 11 doctoral positions within the ROMSOC project, up to December 15, 2017.


Prorogati al 15 DICEMBRE 2017 i termini per presentare le candidature per 11 posizioni di dottorato nell'ambito del progetto ROMSOC.


The Department of Mathematics has joined the Mathematician Desk for Italian industry (Sportello Matematico per l'Industria Italiana)